Monday, July 17, 2023

Angular 11 New Features


  1. Webpack 5 Support: Angular 11 introduced support for Webpack 5, the latest major version of the popular module bundler. Webpack 5 brings performance improvements, smaller bundle sizes, and better tree-shaking capabilities.
  2. Updated Hot Module Replacement (HMR): Angular's Hot Module Replacement functionality was enhanced to provide faster rebuilds and updates during development, leading to a smoother development experience.
  3. Faster Builds with Budgets: The build process in Angular 11 was optimized, allowing developers to set budgets for different parts of the application (such as JavaScript bundles, CSS styles, etc.). If the defined budget limits are exceeded, the build process will fail, ensuring more control over the application size.
  4. Automatic Inlining of Fonts: Angular 11 introduced automatic font inlining, which means that font files used in the application are now automatically added to the CSS bundle, eliminating the need for separate font requests.
  5. Differential Loading by Default: With Angular 11, differential loading was made the default setting for production builds. This means that modern browsers receive smaller and more efficient ES2015+ JavaScript bundles, while older browsers get ES5 bundles, providing better performance and compatibility.
  6. Improved ESLint Support: Angular 11 enhanced its support for ESLint, a popular JavaScript linter, providing developers with more options for static code analysis and improving code quality.
  7. Performance Improvements: Several performance improvements were made in Angular 11, including optimized type checking for templates, leading to faster builds and reduced memory usage.
  8. New Date Range Picker: Angular 11 introduced a new Date Range Picker component, making it easier for developers to select date ranges in their applications.
  9. Updated Language Service Preview: The Language Service, used by various IDEs and editors to provide code intelligence and autocompletion, received updates to improve the development experience.

Remember that Angular is a rapidly evolving framework, and newer versions might introduce more features and enhancements. To get the latest information, I recommend checking the official Angular website or the release notes of the specific version you are interested in.

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