Monday, July 17, 2023

Angular 12 new features


  1. Strict mode (StrictTemplates): Angular 12 introduced a new strict mode that enables more stringent type checking and template stricter checks. It helps catch potential bugs and provides better code quality.
  2. Improved build performance: Angular 12 aimed to optimize build times with the use of the 'browserslist' file, leading to faster application startup and reduced bundle sizes.
  3. Hot Module Replacement (HMR): With Angular 12, Hot Module Replacement was officially supported. HMR allows developers to see instant changes during development without a full page reload, thereby speeding up the development process.
  4. Angular ESLint: Angular 12 made it easier to adopt ESLint by providing a built-in migration schematic that automatically migrates projects from TSLint to ESLint.
  5. New Date Range Picker: Angular 12 introduced a new date range picker component for forms, providing a more native and user-friendly way to handle date ranges.
  6. Improved logging and error handling: The latest version aimed to provide more informative error messages and better debugging support.
  7. Deprecations and removals: Angular 12 may have deprecated certain features from older versions to encourage the use of more modern approaches. Additionally, some outdated or redundant features may have been removed.
  8. Support for typescript v 4.2

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