Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Angular 15 New Features


Angular 15 is the latest version of the popular TypeScript-based web framework. It is released in November 2022 and it will introduce some new features and updates that aim to simplify and improve Angular development. Here are some of the main features of Angular 15:

Stable standalone APIs: This feature allows us to write components, directives, pipes, and services without using NgModules, which reduces the amount of boilerplate code and makes the component structure more flexible. You can also use standalone APIs for HttpClient, Angular Elements, Router, and more. This feature was introduced in Angular 14 as a developer preview and now it is stable and ready for production use.

Router and HttpClient tree shakable standalone APIs

Directive composition API

Functional router guards


New API system: This feature introduces a new way of defining APIs for components, directives, pipes, and services using decorators and metadata. This feature simplifies the API design and makes it more consistent and expressive. We can also use the new API system to create single file components, which are components that contain everything in one file, such as template, styles, logic, and tests.

Improved stack traces: This feature improves the debugging experience by providing cleaner and more helpful stack traces. Angular worked with Google Chrome developers to present stack traces that show more of your application's code and less from the libraries it calls. We can also use the new async stack tagging API in Zone.js to provide more accurate context information for our async operations.

Experimental ESbuild support: This feature enables you to use ESbuild as an alternative bundler for our Angular applications. ESbuild is a fast and modern bundler that supports features like tree-shaking, code splitting, minification, and sourcemaps. We can opt-in to use ESbuild by installing the @angular-devkit/build-angular-esbuild package and adding it to your angular.json file.

More stable image directives: This feature enhances the performance and user experience of your Angular applications by optimizing the loading of images using the NgOptimizedImage directive. This directive automatically applies best practices for image loading, such as lazy loading, responsive sizing, format switching, and placeholder rendering. This feature was introduced in Angular 14 as an experimental feature and now it is stable and ready for production use.

Stabilized MDC-based components: This feature updates many of the components in Angular Material to be based on Material Design Components (MDC) for the Web. The MDC-based components offer improved accessibility and adherence to the Material Design spec. We can migrate our existing Angular Material components to MDC-based components using schematics or manually following the migration guide.

These are some of the new features and updates that Angular 15 will offer. You can learn more about them by reading the official blog post or the documentation. I hope this helps you understand what's new in Angular 15.


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